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FULL Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms Skills List (EARLY ACCESS)

This Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms Skills List will tell you every skill and mastery upgrade the Man at Arms learns in Darkest Dungeon 2.

If you’re playing Darkest Dungeon 2, you’re going to want to know which skills each character can unlock so you know which characters you want to focus on upgrading. This Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms Skills List will tell you all the Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms Skills so you can decide whether Man at Arms is worth your time.

NOTE: This list is from the launch release of Darkest Dungeon 2 early access and numbers may change between the time this guide was written and the game’s full release.

Darkest Dungeon 2 Class Skill Lists
Plague Doctor – Grave Robber – Highwayman – Man at Arms
Hellion – Runaway – Jester – Leper – Occultist

Without further ado, let’s get into the Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms Skills List.

1. Crush – Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms Skills

darkest dungeon 2 man at arms skills crush

Crush deals 4-8 damage.

Usable: Ranks 1-2

Targets: Ranks 1-3 (Single Target)

Crush Mastery Upgrade: Increases damage to 6-9 and grants a block token when the enemy has a combo token.

Review: As far as basic attacks go, Crush is pretty good. It deals good damage and it can hit enemies at rank 3.

2. Rampart – Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms Skills

darkest dungeon 2 man at arms skills rampart

Rampart deals 3-6 damage, moves the user forward one and knocks the target back one. Inflicts Daze.

Usable: Ranks 1-3

Targets: Ranks 1-2 (Single Target)

Rampart Mastery Upgrade: Increases damage to 4-7, stuns when target has a combo token.

Review: When it comes to positioning skills, you’re going to choose between Rampart and Hold the Line. Hold the Line is a better skill. It does everything Rampart does except the Daze and knockback, but has better positioning and grants block tokens.

3. Defender – Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms Skills

darkest dungeon 2 man at arms skills defender

Defender grants two block tokens to the user and two guarded tokens to an ally.

Usable: Ranks 1-4

Targets: Any Ally

Defender Mastery Upgrade: Grants an additional guarded token.

Review: You could use this still to stop enemies from targeting one of your backliners, or you could use Retribution and taunt enemies while still getting the same amount of block tokens in addition to two riposte tokens. Personally, I’d go for Retribution.

4. Bolster – Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms Skills

darkest dungeon 2 man at arms skills bolster

Heals 1 stress from self and the target ally if stress is 5+. Removes vulnerability tokens from target. Grants a block token to self.

Usable: Ranks 1-4

Targets: Any Ally

Bolster Mastery Upgrade: Increases the stress heal to 2, removes weakness tokens, upgrades block to block+.

Review: If you’re not using Jester, Bolster is the best stress heal in the game, so you’ll want to make use of it. The additional effects are a nice bonus. If you’re rolling with a Man at Arms, you’ll probably want to keep this skill around.

5. Hold the Line – Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms Skills

darkest dungeon 2 man at arms skills hold the line

Hold the Line moves the user to rank 1, grants a block token, inflicts immobilize on self and deals 3-6 damage.

Usable: Ranks 2-4

Targets: Ranks 1-2 (Single Target)

Hold the Line Mastery Upgrade: Increases damage to 4-7, grants 2 block tokens, stuns target if it has a combo token.

Review: Hold the Line is a nice skill as it guarantees if your Man at Arms gets shuffled or knocked back it can quickly get back into position. Everything else is a bonus. The block tokens are especially nice.

6. Bellow – Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms Skills

darkest dungeon 2 man at arms skills bellow

Removes riposte tokens from all enemies and reduces all enemies’ speed by 3.

Usable: Ranks 1-4

Targets: Ranks 1-4 (Targets All)

Bellow Mastery Upgrade: Removes crit tokens and increases the speed debuff to 5.

Review: Bellow is kind of nice but very situational. There are a handful of enemies that have crit and riposte tokens and most can be dealt with in other ways. If you have this skill in those situations, it’s useful, but those situations are uncommon and at all other times this skill is a waste of a skill slot.

7. Retribution – Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms Skills

darkest dungeon 2 man at arms skills retribution

Retribution grants 2x riposte tokens and 2x taunt tokens.

Usable: Ranks 1-4

Targets: Self

Retribution Mastery Upgrade: Also adds 2x block tokens.

Review: Retribution has my vote as the best skill Man at Arms has. The ripostes deal a lot of damage, it makes him tankier and it makes him taunt. It’s the ultimate tank skill. What more do you want?

8. Command – Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms Skills

darkest dungeon 2 man at arms skills command

Command adds a strength token to an ally and heals blindness. One round cooldown.

Usable: Ranks 1-4

Targets: Any Ally

Command Mastery Upgrade: Removes the cooldown.

Review: It’s a strong buff and it synergizes well with a Leper. Generally Man at Arms is stuck cycling between Retribution, Bolster and Crush, but if you get a free round you might want to use this. If you’re not using Leper its usefulness is dramatically lower.

9. Stand Fast – Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms Skills

darkest dungeon 2 man at arms skills stand fast

Stand Fast adds 2x block tokens and an additional block token at the start of the next 3 turns. Two turn cooldown.

Usable: Ranks 1-4

Targets: Self

Stand Fast Mastery Upgrade: Removes combo tokens. Block tokens upgraded to block+.

Review: Stand Fast would seem better if Man at Arms didn’t already get block tokens from almost every other skill in his arsenal. Still, it’s a better buff skill than Command and if you use it you’ll be swimming in block+ tokens and you’ll be able to set up some big numbers from Courageous Abandon.

10. Courageous Abandon – Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms Skills

darkest dungeon 2 man at arms skills courageous abandon

Deals 3-6 damage and inflicts vulnerability. Deals double damage if you have a block or block+ token. Deals triple damage if you have both a block and a block+ token. Ignores block tokens. Two round cooldown.

Usable: Rank 1

Targets: Rank 1 (Single Target)

Courageous Abandon Mastery Upgrade: Increases damage to 5-7 and crit chance to 20%.

Review: Courageous Abandon is the big damage skill for Man at Arms. Although it’s powerful, it still requires the stars to align a little bit. You have to have a block token and your target has to be in rank 1. That’s not an uncommon situation but you’ll still find you can’t make good use of this skill as often as you’d like.

11. Strategic Withdrawal – Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms Skills

darkest dungeon 2 man at arms skills strategic withdrawal

Strategic Withdrawal deals 3-6 damage, moves the user back 1 rank and inflicts a combo token.

Usable: Ranks 1-2

Targets: Ranks 1-2 (Single Target)

Strategic Withdrawal Mastery Upgrade: Increases damage to 4-7 and crit chance to 10. Heals 33% max health and adds a block+ token if on Death’s Door. Adds a speed token.

Review: Strategic Withdrawal is a nice get out of jail free card after it’s upgraded. Before that it’s a weak attack that doesn’t really help much at all, since you’ll just be moving from rank 1 to rank 2, which are targeted by almost all the same skills.

Best Skills – Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms Skills

In my opinion the best Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms skills at the time of writing this are:

  1. Retribution
  2. Bolster
  3. Hold the Line
  4. Stand Fast
  5. Courageous Abandon

Darkest Dungeon 2 Class Skill Lists
Plague Doctor – Grave Robber – Highwayman – Man at Arms
Hellion – Runaway – Jester – Leper – Occultist

That about covers it when it comes to the Darkest Dungeon 2 Man at Arms Skills List. Be sure to check the main page for more RPG game guides, and check out the Darkest Dungeon 2 section for more guides for this game.


  • Ryan Night

    Ryan Night is an ex-game industry producer with over a decade of experience writing guides for RPGs. Previously an early contributor at gamefaqs.com, Ryan has been serving the RPG community with video game guides since 2001. As the owner of Bright Rock Media, Ryan has written over 600 guides for RPGs of all kinds, from Final Fantasy Tactics to Tales of Arise.

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