borderlands 3 moze

BEST Borderlands 3 Moze Class Mods RANKED

This Borderlands 3 Moze Class Mods guide will teach players everything they need to know about Moze’s class mods in Borderlands 3.

If you’re playing Borderlands 3 as Moze, you’re going to want to know which class mods you should be looking for. Most characters in Borderlands 3 at this point have about 8 legendary class mods, and Moze is no exception.

So which are the best Borderlands 3 Moze class mods? Read on to find out.

7. Rocketeer


Rocketeer is probably the worst of the Borderlands 3 Moze class mods overall, although to be fair, Moze’s class mods are closer together in usefulness than most other characters.

Rocketeer makes Auto-Bear last longer, but you lose the cooldown benefit from leaving the bear early, so it’s kind of a wash. The bonus skills are fairly decent. It’s probably on about the same level as a nice purple.

6. Bear Trooper

bear trooper

Do you want to drastically extend the duration Iron Bear? Then Bear Trooper is the mod for you.

At high levels, Iron Bear is mostly useful to activate a +160% splash damage weapon anointment and to have hanging around in Auto-Bear mode, shooting Target Softening Rockets.

Bear Trooper is kind of at odds with that strategy, but if you really, really like Iron Bear, you could run around with this class mod for a while until you find something better. Not the best when it comes to Borderlands 3 Moze class mods.

5. Raging Bear

borderlands 3 moze class mods raging bear

Riding around in the Iron Bear tends to not be the best strategy with Moze, especially if you’re specced into Auto-Bear, and Raging Bear increases the amount of time you spend in Iron Bear.

It does increase its damage overall but buffing Iron Bear is just not as useful as buffing Moze herself, which all of Moze’s best mods do very well.

Of the Iron Bear boosting mods, Raging Bear is probably the best, due to the damage increase, but that’s not exactly a ringing endorsement.

If you’re looking for the best Borderlands 3 Moze class mods, Raging Bear is a great option if you don’t have anything better, but you should keep your eye out for one of the better options on this list.

4. Mind Sweeper

borderlands 3 moze class mods mindsweeper

Mind Sweeper gives your crits a chance to drop little grenades. This is a decent DPS increase overall. Mind Sweeper is a very good mod. It’s just not quite as good as Green Monster, Bloodletter or Blast Master.

However, if you’re able to consistently get crits or if you aren’t speccing into Moze’s ammo regeneration abilities (though Mind Sweeper automatically gives you Redistribution), Mind Sweeper’s usefulness increases significantly. Definitely one of the better Borderlands 3 Moze class mods.

3. Green Monster

borderlands 3 moze class mods green monster

Green Monster is sort of like the poor man’s Blast Master. As you fire your weapon, you gain an ever-increasing amount of bonus corrosive damage.

This is good for several reasons.

First, it gives Mozes a reliable way to melt down armor. Second, it gives her consistent access to an additional element beyond fire, which she gets on most shots. Third, combined with her ammo reloading abilities, the corrosive damage can grow to a level where it’s outputting a significant amount of bonus damage.

The skill bonuses are also for pretty good skills. Definitely one of the best Borderlands 3 Moze class mods.

2. Bloodletter

borderlands 3 moze class mods bloodletters

Bloodletter is mostly useful when paired with a Deathless artifact, which adds your health pool to your shields and has you running around at 1 HP at all times.

While it doesn’t directly give a damage bonus, it synergizes with a ton of skills in Moze’s red tree, like Thin Red Line and Desperate Measures, which the mod also boosts via its skill bonuses.

Additionally, it gives a whopping +5 to Phalanx Doctrine, which is already one of Moze’s best skills.

1. Blast Master

borderlands 3 moze class mods blast master

Blast Master gives up to +100% Splash Damage the longer you go without reloading your weapon. Between Redistribution and Means of Destruction, you pretty much never have to reload, so this ends up being a permanent +100% Splash Damage bonus.

It’s very difficult to get better than that, especially since Moze is the game’s resident Splash Damage specialist. If you’re running around with any of Moze’s top tier weapons like Kyb’s Worth and Ion Cannon, you’re going to be blasting through enemies with ease.

Conclusion – Best Borderlands 3 Moze Class Mods

You have a lot of options when it comes to the best Borderlands 3 Moze class mods. Generally speaking, if you’re far enough to have access to them, Blast Master, Bloodletter and Green Monster are the best mods to pursue.

Additionally, if you haven’t been able to acquire those top tier class mods, the Mind Sweeper makes a great option as well.

Anyway, that about does it for the best Borderlands 3 Moze class mods. Be sure to check out the Games Section for more content like this and also check out the Borderlands 3 Section for game guides for Borderlands including builds, tips, best guns, character reviews and more.


  • Ryan Night

    Ryan Night is an ex-game industry producer with over a decade of experience writing guides for RPGs. Previously an early contributor at, Ryan has been serving the RPG community with video game guides since 2001. As the owner of Bright Rock Media, Ryan has written over 600 guides for RPGs of all kinds, from Final Fantasy Tactics to Tales of Arise.

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