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FULL Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills List (EARLY ACCESS)

This Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills List will tell you every skill and mastery upgrade the Hellion learns in Darkest Dungeon 2.

If you’re playing Darkest Dungeon 2, you’re going to want to know which skills each character can unlock so you know which characters you want to focus on upgrading. This Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills List will tell you all the Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills so you can decide whether Hellion is worth your time.

NOTE: This list is from the launch release of Darkest Dungeon 2 early access and numbers may change between the time this guide was written and the game’s full release.

Darkest Dungeon 2 Class Skill Lists
Plague Doctor – Grave Robber – Highwayman – Man at Arms
Hellion – Runaway – Jester – Leper – Occultist

Without further ado, let’s get into the Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills List.

1. Wicked Hack – Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills

darkest dungeon 2 hellion skills wicked hack

Wicked Hack deals 4-7 damage.

Usable: Ranks 1-2

Targets: Ranks 1-2 (Single Target)

Wicked Hack Mastery Upgrade: Increases damage to 6-8 and crit rate to 10%.

Review: Hellion’s standard attack. It’s useful before you upgrade her. Once you have all her upgrades, you’ll almost never use it. Any situation where you might use it, Howling End or Toe to Toe are better depending on whether or not you’re winded.

2. Iron Swan – Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills

darkest dungeon 2 hellion skills iron swan

Iron Swan deals 4-7 damage.

Usable: Rank 1

Targets: Rank 4 (Single Target)

Iron Swan Mastery Upgrade: Increases damage to 6-8 and crit chance to 10%.

Review: Iron Swan is a useful skill that you’ll probably want on your loadout at all times. Hitting the backline enemy with Hellion comes in handy more often than you would think.

3. Barbaric YAWP! – Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills

darkest dungeon 2 hellion skills barbarics yawp

Barbaric YAWP! inflicts weakness on the enemies in rank 1 and 2 and removes stealth. Inflicts winded on self. One round cooldown.

Usable: Ranks 1-2

Targets: Ranks 1-2 (Targets All)

Barbaric YAWP! Mastery Upgrade: Inflicts stun on enemies that have a combo token.

Review: Barbaric YAWP! is alright. The main problem with it is that Hellion has tons of great skills and it’s hard to find room in her loadout for a pretty good skill.

4. If it Bleeds – Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills

darkest dungeon 2 hellion skills if it bleeds

If it Bleeds deals 2-4 damage and inflicts a 2 damage bleed.

Usable: Ranks 2-3

Targets: Ranks 2-3 (Single Target)

If it Bleeds Mastery Upgrade: Increases damage to 3-5, increases bleed damage to 3. Ignores 30% bleed resistance if target has a combo token.

Review: If it Bleeds is probably Hellion’s least useful skill. It’s a weak attack that you can only use if Hellion’s out of position (she’s almost exclusively good at rank 1), and if you’re out of position with Hellion you’re going to want to use Toe to Toe, not this.

5. Toe to Toe – Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills

darkest dungeon 2 hellion skills toe to toe

Toe to Toe deals 2-4 damage, moves the user forward 1 rank, and inflicts immobilize and 2x taunt on user.

Usable: Ranks 1-3

Targets: Ranks 1-2 (Single Target)

Toe to Toe Mastery Upgrade: Adds an additional taunt token and removing a stack of winded.

Review: Before mastery, Toe to Toe is a situationally useful way to get back in position and a mediocre tanking skill. After mastery it’s a reliable way to remove winded tokens to keep Hellion taunting and using her most powerful skills every other turn. Very good skill, probably a must have.

6. Adrenaline Rush – Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills

darkest dungeon 2 hellion skills adrenaline rush

Adrenaline Rush heals 20% health, removes bleeds, removes winded and applies a buff where the user heals 20% of their max health every time they attack for the next 3 rounds. Three round cooldown. Two uses per battle. Requires HP until 33%.

Usable: Ranks 1-4

Targets: Self

Adrenaline Rush Mastery Upgrade: Increases initial heal to 25%, removes all DoTs, not just bleeds.

Review: Adrenaline Rush is one of Hellion’s best skills and probably one of the best skills in the game. It fill her health to full over 4 rounds but not all at once, which allows her to keep her low health damage class buffs. It also removes winded. It’s very powerful. You’re going to want this in your loadout.

7. Bleed Out – Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills

darkest dungeon 2 hellion skills bleed out

Bleed Out deals 4-8 damage and inflicts a 4 damage bleed.

Usable: Rank 1

Targets: Rank 1 (Single Target)

Bleed Out Mastery Upgrade: Increases damage to 6-9 and crit chance to 10%. Increases bleed damage to 6. Ignores 30% of bleed resistance if target has a combo token.

Review: Bleed Out is great until you unlock Howling Edge. I suppose it still has some utility after that if you do a Bleed Out/Bloodlust/Howling Edge rotation, but honestly it’s probably better to just use Howling Edge repeatedly.

8. Bloodlust – Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills

darkest dungeon 2 hellion skills bloodlust

Bloodlust removes winded and grants the user 20% damage against bleeding enemies.

Usable: Ranks 1-3

Targets: Self

Bloodlust Mastery Upgrade: Damage bonus is increased to 30%.

Review: Bloodlust works well in conjunction with Bleed Out or a Jester, although in my opinion if you have Adrenaline Rush and Toe to Toe, you don’t really need another skill to remove winded, so you probably want to pick two out of the three and Bloodlust is probably the least useful.

9. Breakthrough – Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills

darkest dungeon 2 hellion skills breakthrough

Breakthrough moves the user forward one rank and deals 1-2 damage to the enemies in ranks 1-3. One round cooldown. Inflicts winded.

Usable: Ranks 2-4

Targets: Ranks 1-3 (Targets All)

Breakthrough Mastery Upgrade: Increases damage to 2-3 and destroys block tokens.

Review: Before Breakthrough is upgraded, it’s just a complete waste of a skill slot. After upgrading it, there are situations where it might be useful, but they’re rare. You have to be out of position and facing multiple enemies with block tokens for this to be useful. Even then it’s not a great skill.

10. Raucous Revelry – Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills

darkest dungeon 2 hellion skills raucous revelry

Raucous Revelry heals 20% health if under 33% health, 2 stress with 5+ stress and removes horror. Heals 1 stress from all allies with 5+ stress. Inflicts winded. One round cooldown.

Usable: Ranks 1-4

Targets: Self

Raucous Revelry Mastery Upgrade: Increases heal to 25%, self-stress heal to 3 and grants a 10% death resistance buff.

Review: Raucous Revelry is a great healing skill, but it’s generally outclassed by Adrenaline Rush. Unless you roll with both of these skills to use each one in the appropriate situation, Adrenaline Rush’s situation is a lot more common, so you’re better off with that if you only take one.

11. Howling End – Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills

darkest dungeon 2 hellion skills howling end

Howling End deals 8-14 damage and ignored block tokens. Inflicts winded. One round cooldown.

Usable: Ranks 1-2

Targets: Ranks 1-2 (Single Target)

Howling End Mastery Upgrade: Increases damage to 10-18 and crit chance to 15%. Ignores both block tokens and guarded tokens.

Review: Howling End is probably Hellion’s best skill and has my vote for the best skill in the game period. It does a ridiculous amount of damage and you can use it every other turn with a very simple and useful rotation of Howling End -> Toe to Toe -> repeat. Since it ignores block tokens, nothing really stops it from massacring enemies except dodge tokens.

Best Skills – Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills

In my opinion the best Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion skills at the time of writing this are:

  1. Howling Edge
  2. Adrenaline Rush
  3. Toe to Toe
  4. Iron Swan
  5. Bleed Out

Darkest Dungeon 2 Class Skill Lists
Plague Doctor – Grave Robber – Highwayman – Man at Arms
Hellion – Runaway – Jester – Leper – Occultist

That about covers it when it comes to the Darkest Dungeon 2 Hellion Skills List. Be sure to check the main page for more RPG game guides, and check out the Darkest Dungeon 2 section for more guides for this game.


  • Ryan Night

    Ryan Night is an ex-game industry producer with over a decade of experience writing guides for RPGs. Previously an early contributor at gamefaqs.com, Ryan has been serving the RPG community with video game guides since 2001. As the owner of Bright Rock Media, Ryan has written over 600 guides for RPGs of all kinds, from Final Fantasy Tactics to Tales of Arise.

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